Aug 18, 2008


Here's an update!
Oh what a weekend can bring. I went to the Nissei Week parade in Little Tokyo this weekend, it was a pretty good show. What did I come away with? A renewed interest in Taiko drumming and Akita dogs.
Akita fur is like a dense, soft brush. They have some angularish features and look bitchin as all get-out in a neck kerchief. Like if Dean Martin in 'Rio Bravo' were a japanese dog. I know the possibility has crossed your mind.
Taiko drumming is (apparently, mind you, I've done no research yet) a manner of beating a huge drum and looking as intense as possible doing it. Even when the dudes and gals would dance about as they beat the drums, it was intense.
If there is one thing I love, its intensely beaten drums. Don't ever think otherwise.

Oh, and then I got back to work and turned out this new pic of Rock. He looks more in line with the other characters now, while still feeling fluffy and reasonably un-roosterish. I like it way better!



Unknown said...

Rocky defnitely picked up more energy and tensions here. I would like to see how you draw Akita Puppy...

Khylov said...

Hey man, can't underestimate shibas. They've got that curly cinnabutt tail.